Thursday, June 19, 2008

coconut milk, no tums, y pirated movies

today was our last day in guadalajara, mexico. aka, one of the most exciting and one of the saddest days ever. i got up kind of early to pack. it was a pain to get everything back into those two suitcases. i even had to sit on one to make it shut. i did find my tums bottle though... notice how empty it is. after i packed... i showered. i felt that this is a special moment because there was a cricket in my shower. how cute! my last cricket... =) after i finished showering, i went with ashley alberts, jessica, becky, and cristy to get pedicures. the thing about pedicures in mexico is that you get the whole treatment for about 18 bucks. it was pretty awesome. i felt kind of bad for those ladies though, my feet have been through a lot in the past year. after our pedicures, we went to the centro to san juan de dios (a big market full of really cheap things... it's pretty sketchy). while were in san juan de dios, i bought 3 pirated movies, an atlas jersey, and some horchata. we ran into ashley and jessica later, and they bought some coconut milk. they told us to try some, and it was so so so nasty. as good as it sounds, just... don't. after the centro, we went to get some tacos with a small group by the churro stand. it was fun... and our last main mexican meal out on the town. after we got tacos, we met up with the rest of our group at the churro stand... and said our goodbyes. =( i don't want to leave mexico...

also, i have been practicing my mexican snaps... thanks to shawn and cristy. ESO!

pedicure with becky! woot!

becky and i after the pedicure!

tums... aka life-savers.
this is the container. yes, it is pretty much empty. =)

coconut milk... vale the pena? probably not.

our last night...
the boys...

the girls!

cousins. fer life.

shawn, christy and i... ESO.

becky and i...

snapping our fingers, mexican style... ESO!

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