Monday, June 2, 2008

fabric softener, clips, and crabs.

Today was a superb day as well! We went to school, and learned lots of course. After school I learned the country dance for the talent show… and then we went home and waited for some food. =) Also, it was dang hot… I looked everywhere for my clip to put my hair up and I could NOT find it! We ate, and then went to Dany’s basketball game. It was so intense! All of the parents were screaming at the poor girls, I kind of felt bad for them! It was really fun though… the parents had drums and maracas and were chanting. It was pretty much a big deal. At one point during the game, I looked over at our mom, and nudged Ash. We noticed that Marcela had a clip… it was creepishly similar to mine. It was even broken in the same place. What are the odds. I haven’y quite figured out how to ask where my clip is. I feel that I will not have a clip for the rest of the trip unless I buy one. Haha. Dany won, and now they are going to the championships!!! She is so cute! Here is a picture of Marcela and Dany...

After the game, we got this amazing ice cream thing, but it was in a plastic bag. I feel that I cannot describe it properly, but it was amazingly delicious. And it was flavored none other than horchata. We went home and got ready for family home evening. Our mom came and knocked on the door and told us the glorious news that our clothes could get washed tomorrow! She told us we needed soap for our clothes. We thought, “Oh no problem! We have soap… we have been washing our clothes in the sink for ages.” We showed her the “soap”… turns out it is actually fabric softener. Good thing I can read in Spanish. I feel slightly devastated/disgusted/dirt-nasty that my clothes aren’t actually clean right now. Thank goodness for tomorrow. As we were walking out the door, the little boy next door showed us his crab.

It was emotionally scarring, and he thought it was funny to torture us, so we left. THEN he came out of his house with a TURTLE and chased us down the street! Lucky thing Ash had her camera.

We got to family home evening in one piece, and practiced our dances, and it was way fun! I am really excited to do it, I think that everything will turn out really good! After family home evening we practiced a bit more and went to the gas station to buy some laundry detergent (that was actually soap) and some cookies.

Then we went upstairs, and are just taking it easy!!! Love you all! I will write more tomorrow!!!

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