Thursday, June 12, 2008

triste, high heels, & folklore dancing

This morning we woke up, and thought we were going to die. It definitely didn’t help that we had tests to study for and presentations to prep for. But we got up and went to school. After school, we went home and laid down to work on our projects. We ate, and then went to service. Today was our last day and it was so sad. Hermana Stalling’s family was all there with their instruments.

We sang old songs and hymns to them, and they loved it. We even sang the Star Spangled Banner to Lorainne. Also, here is a picture of me with Sofia (a worker's daughter)...

We played loteria for the last time, and then we had to say our goodbyes. They were really sad to see us leave, but they were all really happy that we came. One of the sons visiting his mom even asked us what church we were from. Lots of ladies were crying. It mostly broke my heart knowing that Lorainne wouldn’t have anyone to talk to anymore. I promised I would write her letters. One lady kept saying “You don’t have to go!” Today was a really big eye opening experience for me, and so was the whole service. I am so glad that I got to work with them. At first I thought that I would be sad that I didn’t get to work with the little kids, but I know that los abuelitos needed us to be there. I’m glad we got that experience. This is us on our last day...

Right after service Gerardo played with my outside... =)

After service, Ash and I went home to get ready for the folklore dance. I really wanted to wear something besides flip flops, so I asked Marcela if I could borrow her high heels. Basically, Ash egged me on until I did it- and then Marcela was pretty much scarred that I would ask. I’m sad that she still hasn’t gotten my shoes. =( It’s ok, I guess, as long as I get them back before we go home. Anyways, we went to the dance, and it was the coolest thing ever. They had different dances from each state in Mexico. It was really legit and fun.

After, we got a taxi home and tried to finish up our projects, but our internet didn’t work. DUMB. So we went to bed so we could get up early. I’ll see you all in about a week. LOVE YOU!!!

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