Saturday, June 7, 2008

tequila plants, fishy food, & the TALENT SHOW!!!

Today we woke up super early to go to the ruins in Teuchitlan. We rode on the bus- I sat next to Becky and we sucked every last bit of the battery out of that iPod. We first went to a museum that had a movie about the pyramids and a bunch of other cool artifacts. The pyramids are all about 2000 years old and they are all circular. They have little platforms that had stores on them that were shaped in circles around the pyramids. I don’t know if that makes sense, but basically the view from above is really cool. (At least in the pictures and the movie). We saw lots of the old artifacts, and that was cool. The museum had lots of little models of what life was like back then. One thing that was interesting to me was a form of futbol, but they only use their hips to hit the ball. At the end of the game, either the winning or losing team is sacrificed (I didn’t understand all the way). After the museum, we drove for a few miles to get to the ruins. They were rally cool! They are on top of a hill, so there is an amazing view. I’m not sure if you can see any of the green plants in the background, but those are tequila plants! One of the pyramids isn’t excavated yet because they don’t have money- so people are allowed to climb up it. It was weird to me how recently they were discovered! Also, people were finding arrowheads and obsidean all over the ground. I even found a piece! I bought an obsidean statue of a turtle. It is really pretty and it reminds me of Ima’s brown statue of the turtle. After we went to the pyramids we stopped in a little town to go to this little shop to buy souveneirs. I didn’t get anything- a lot of people bought tacos. I learned my lesson. Tacos off the street= sketchy business. I was really hungry though, and so were a lot of people. We walked to this Mexican restaurant, but it was all fish food, and it smelled really fishy. No pun intended. I ordered fish tacos. I ate the first two, and I didn’t really like it. But the third one I took off the tortilla and ate the fried fish with tartar sauce. I should have done that with the first two. I also ordered a pina colada sin alcohol. It was amazingly delicious, so I ordered another one and I wasn’t sure if the waiter heard me say sin alcohol. I’m pretty sure he did because nothing happened to me. After lunch, we got back on the bus to go home. We practiced Joseph Smith’s first prayer in Spanish because we were singing it at the talent show. Becky and I thought it was really funny because every time we would go over a bump, our voices would bounce. We got back to the university and then scrambled back to our houses to get ready for the talent show. We got all ready, and rode the bus. At our second stop, a boy came out of the sushi restaurant to talk to us. He already came out to talk to us a few weeks before and gave us his number. This time, he took pictures of us. We were laughing so hard. He asked us to come back to the sushi shop. We said we had to get on the bus. Fun times. We got to the church, and set up the chairs. We started to get nervous… because a TON of people were there! (Including our families). We were the first act (we sang Color Esperanza). Then I got dressed for Thriller, and it was so cool. Marcela said that Dany loved it. Then we did the Boot Scootin’ Boogie, and that was fun too! The last act was when we sang Joseph Smith’s First Prayer in Spanish. I thought it sounded really good. After the talent show, the ward passed out treats and horchatta. (HAPPY DAY!) The sky was so black, I was sure it was going to rain! We met up with all of our friends after the show. We were going to go dancing. We split up the group into the different cars. We went to Burger King for dinner and then our plans got changed lastminute and we didn’t do anything. Jesus took us home in his new car. I updated my pictures and stuff and then all of the sudden it started to POUR! I took a video of the sound, it was SO loud! I wasn’t outside, but apparently the streets completely turned to rivers and the water in the drains pushed up into the air like fountains! I went to sleep, and slept for a good 8 hours. Happy, happy day!!! LOVE YOU ALL!

becky and i on el camion...

grindin our corn...

mah statues!

i'm here!!!

i'm in front of the pyramids!!!

just chillin in front of the pyramids... you know.

there was one pyramid that hadn't been excavated yet... we climbed to the top!

a view from the top of the pyramid...

we even found a fireplace. we may or may not have roasted some marshmallows. =)

una mariposa!

becky and i enfrente del valle...

only in mexico...

mah friends at the talent show!!!

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