Friday, June 20, 2008

sadness, customs, and in-n-out

Today is my last day. aka, the saddest day ever. I got up and had breakfast for the last time with Ash... we had hot cakes, oh so delicious. Then I helped Ash get her bags down the stairs, she had to leave first (the taxi was almost there). Then she had to say goodbye to Gerardo and Marcela. It was literally heartbreaking to see Gerardo cry and tell us that we didn't have to leave. We all cried... just writing it makes me sad again. After I said goodbye to Ash, I went upstairs to finish getting all of my stuff together. I listened to my Mexican music that I had accumulated over the past few months... and said goodbye to my room and the cricket under the plunger. I waited downstairs for Marcela to come back and pick me up. (she said she would take me to the university to catch the bus with the rest of our group). We left... and the car ride was sad. I am not really good at the goodbye situation, especially in Spanish. I took my last picture with Marcela, and waved goodbye. =( We waited for the rest of our group to get to the bus, and then we got all loaded on. I sat by Becky for the last time... we partied. We listened to all of the best music, and took pictures on my macbook. Also, the seat in front of me had a hole in it... and the bus didn't have air conditioning. I wouldn't have it any other way... =) We got to the airport and soon learned that the security would go through our bags with us watching. My initial fear was about how they would shut my bags again... I mean, I had to sit on it the first time... my second fear was for my three lovely pirated movies that I was positively BENT on getting back into the states. I'm pretty sure they could sense the fear in my voice... but they didn't find my movies. Why? Well, because I am a pro-hider (gracias a my mexican blanket). =) Then I exchanged all my pesos for American money... that was sad too. We waited for a bit, and then we said goodbye to about half of the group and boarded our plane. Rachel was on the same row as me, and Kaela sat right behind me. I got off for my small layover in Phoenix, where they inspected our bags. (shocking, they didn't find any weed). I had a few minutes to say goodbye to the rest of the group, and then I got onto my second flight to Sacramento. This last part of the flight was sad and happy. I was so excited to see my family, but at the same time... I was sad that my trip was officially over. Now none of the girls were even with me... that pretty much sealed the deal. I got off the plane... and walked down to meet my family. I was so happy to accomplish my two month long goal of going down the escalator with my Mexican guitar and Mexican hat on my head. I wish I had a picture to show you guys, but it was pretty much epic. My family was laughing... and a lot of people were staring. Just as I planned... haha. So I was officially in the United States... every building had air conditioning, there was fast food everywhere, and I figured my stomach would stop hurting (no way- read later). I got in-n-out burger, and it was AMAZING!!! How I love California... and Mexico!!!
Glad to be home, pero yo extrano Mexico MUCHISIMO!!!

mi mama mexicana

hermana stallings and i...

from the airplane...

sweet home california...

sweet home bed!!!

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