Monday, June 9, 2008

apples, jelly, & cajeta

Today we woke up and went to school. It was quite lovely. After school, it looked like it was going to rain, so we went home. We went to service, which is always nice. We only have 3 more days left! I feel that it is going to be sad when we say goodbye. Marco and Tyrel came with us to service today. The ladies basically loved them. And no joke, one lady asked if they were married. When I told the lady no, she got all excited. Here is a picture of me, Lorainne, and Marco. After service, we all went back to our house. We didn’t go inside, but we sat on the little grass patch outside. We talked a lot and we even had an apple biting contest to see who could take the biggest bite. Clearly I have huge cheeks, and not a big bite. Ashley and I went inside to make a quick dinner so we could eat on our way to family home evening. We made jelly sandwiches. I am so dang excited for the day when I get peanut butter. =) I never understood why American missionaries missed peanut butter so much, but it sounds so good right now. Anyways, we ate our jelly sandwiches and headed off to Hermana’s house for family home evening. We played a game with the group and it was really fun. After family home evening, we ate some ice cream. I mixed my chocolate syrup with my vanilla ice cream into a most delicious milk shake! It wasn’t quite as good as In-N-Out, but it was close. Here is a picture of Becky and I downing carmel and chocolate!

After this, because we didn’t have enough sugar, we went to the churro stand to get our churros con cajeta. Mmm… AFTER we got home, Marcela told us that she made FLAN for us, and she wanted us to try some. Basically, three desserts. Ridiculous… The flan was really good though. After flan, we went to bed, which was quite delightful. And to top it all off, tomorrow is LAUNDRY DAY!!! YAY! Good night!!! LOVE YOU ALL!!!

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