Sunday, June 1, 2008

PB deprived, Mangoes, and Emerald City

This morning we woke up after a lovely 9 hours of sleep… and started to get ready for stake conference. (We had to be there at 9:00 for choir). Basically, it was an electronic disaster. My computer was not charged. Sad times. I plugged in my blow drier, and it would not work. Which was pretty much devastating, because I had washed my underwear the night before, and they were not dry. (You see, I was going to use my blow drier to speed up the process). Don’t worry though, about every five minutes, my blow drier would work for about 30 seconds. Eventually everything was dry that needed to be dry. =) We went to take the bus, and it didn’t come for about 30 minutes. By the end of the wait, Mindy, Heather, Ashley, Marc, and I were all waiting for it. It turns out that we were supposed to catch the bus up the street a little bit… hence lack of buses. We sang at stake conference, and it was lovely. Now I know “I’m Trying to be Like Jesus” in Spanish! That is so cool! After church I took another picture with Rachel, the cutest little girl ever. Also, there were about 20 missionaries at stake conference, it seemed like a lot to me. It made me excited for all of my friends leaving soon, or the ones that are already gone! =) After stake conference, we had a little picnic outside. I ate several pieces of bread and jam with Becky. Moral of the story, you come to Mexico, you bring peanut butter, or else you will have huge regrets and huge desires to eat peanut butter straight. Anyways, Becky and I almost ate an entire loaf of bread. Yes, we went there. But it was mighty delicious. I also overheard this hero of a quote from our friend Tyrell.
“As soon as I heard that there was no dating on this trip, it all went downhill.” (as he stained his face with mango)

Tyrell then tried to use his 21 ticket to get a kiss from Maggie. I also have that video. =) Very happy times.
I rode the bus back home… I sat next to Becky. Becky so wonderfully pointed out that Guadalajara looked like Emerald City because of the window we were sitting by. Take a look for yourself.

Also, Ashley has worms. Which is scarring… she is now on drugs. =/
Becky came over to edit the Thriller music so it was short enough. Basically, thank goodness for Michael Jackson’s random outbursts of screams, or else we wouldn’t have been able to match the verses up right. It was really hard, and we are glad it is over, aren’t we Becky? At 7:00 we met at the churro stand so we could get some tacos with our friends. We ate tacos and I drank lots and lots of horchata. After we got out of the restaurant Alejandro and Chewey were there. Of course we went somewhere, and of course we rode in the back of Chewey’s truck. We went downtown to buy some churros and hot chocolate. It was quite good, but I felt REALLY sketchy nasty… so I didn’t eat very much. We drove home, and I felt progressively worse. At one point, Chewey just parked on the side of the rode and we were all talking, and I thought I was going to throw up… so we all took taxis home. Well, we all took ONE taxi home. Yes, all 6 of us scrimps. We are dang good. We got home, I thought I was going to die, and I went to sleep. Happy days! Love you all!!!

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