Monday, May 5, 2008

Buses, Templos, & Pig Skins

This is from yesterday...
Hola! Today was my third day in Guadalajara… and there were a lot of adventures for sure! First, Ashley and I woke up with horrible stomachaches. I think I will credit the tacos… yay for our experiences with street food. Today was fast Sunday, so we didn’t have breakfast. We went to a church building right next to the temple (which is so beautiful!). This is a picture of Ashley and I next to it…

Church was muy interesante… Everyone spoke really fast. But basically, church is the same in the United States as it is in Mexico (including the flowers and table cloth in Relief Society). During church, Hermana Stallings (our leader) went to the hospital because she was having pains in her stomach and back. Thank goodness everything is alright… she has a kidney infection and feels a lot better. After church we went out to eat because our families do not provide meals on Sundays. (slightly dumb…) So we had more Mexican food… which was good, but still sketch for the stomach. This is a picture of Ashley and I trying to pick what we wanted…

About nine of the girls were going to try and take the buses home. (bring on the bus adventures) Anyways, we decided to get on bus 51 A/B. Apparently it was not 51 A/B, because we ended up on the other side of town with the other girls. We spent a few hours at a the house with Neti, Stephanie, and Ashley. Their mom is super super funny, but we still didn’t know how to get home. Basically, I still haven’t figured it out, but the parents drove us to the temple to meet the rest of the group for the institute fireside broadcast. The broadcast was good (I think) and Elder Nelson talked about music. That’s pretty much all I understood because I am dang tired and I don’t understand too well when I am this tired. We met lots of nice members from Guadalajara. This picture is of Nandy and Jonathan and me, Ashley (another one), and Jessica (another one).

After the fireside there were snacks. We ate this chips that were pretty spicy and were fake pig skins. Sounds gross, but they were actually really good. We found a ride home so we wouldn’t have to take the bus… but he was new in Guadalajara too. Also, we had 4 other girls in the car that needed rides as well. Basically, we were so lost and the two girls sitting next to me were obsessed with the map they couldn’t read. And I am pretty sure I have a paper cut in my eye from them throwing it around so much. But we got home! And I finally get to sleep! AH what a day of adventures and Spanish!!!


Anonymous said...

haha yay for more bus adventures! sounds like a good/scary time. and yay for chicarrones, too!...i think that's what they're called. you are too cute, love ya!
<3 beb

Michelle said...

Jessica and your busses--too bad they don't have any cool pink chairs laying along the side of the raod! I'm glad you're having fun!