Wednesday, May 28, 2008

sick, lucky charms, and SWIMMING!!!

This morning we woke up at 7:30 and I thought I was going to throw up… No good. I went back to sleep for a few more hours, and woke up still feeling a little gross. I didn’t have breakfast because I wasn’t sure how food would go with my lovely stomach. We got to school just in time for our LoVeLy project. You should be so proud… my public speaking skills are probably better in Spanish than they are in English. But basically, it was fun having the different girls present. Ashley and Jessica (the other ones) did a presentation on St. Patrick’s Day, and we got lucky charms. If either of you is reading this, gracias! They were really good. And sugary… =) After school, I WENT SWIMMING! Oh, I can’t explain how amazing it felt to get back into the pool. It was basically really fun, and I am glad that I get to for another few weeks. I started teaching Marco, I feel that he doesn’t like it like I do. Haha. I went home, and ate a little bit of food. We went to service, and while I was there I got sick again. I just sat down for most of the time, so that was good. We sang some hymns and played some Bingo, and it was nice.
This is a picture of me with one of my heroes...

I love how the ladies love having us come. I like feeling appreciated. After service we went home and got ready to go to the movies! Here is a picture of the pretty sunset and the railroad tracks!

We went to the Gran Plaza… and we walked on one of those overpass things… YAY!

We got to the movies, and the time was actually an hour later than we had planned on. But it was nice, because we got to chill and eat some food.

I had a few chicken nuggets from McDonalds, the cure-all for all illnesses. I honestly feel that way though… haha. It is kind of like in My Big Fat Greek Wedding, the dad thinks that Windex fixes everything… yeah, well I think chicken nuggets fix everything. We saw Indiana Jones… it was way fun, but the music made me slightly nostalgic for Disneyland. =( That’s ok though! Because I get to go with Bebs in a month or so!!! HOORAY! After the movie, we just chilled for a bit and talked… and then took a taxi home. I must say that this is the first time that the taxi driver did not fight us on lowering the price. He started with 60, and we just said 50, and he was like, “Ok.” Weird. Haha. But I am home now! Have a good night! LOVE YOU ALL!

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