Tuesday, May 20, 2008

mi sangre, churros, and chaiasms (or however you spell it)

HOLA! Sorry this is a day late… things have been CrAzY here! Anyways, I went to school… it was once again scintillating. After school, Marco, Ashley, and I went to the pool to find out if it was open. We learned that it was going to open on Wednesday. We thought, “Oh, how fabulous! That isn’t too bad at all!” Right? Wrong. Basically, and no I am not kidding, we need two photo IDs, an official form with our blood type, a physical from the school, and also a cap, goggles, and flip flops. Quite the drama! Never before have I had to sign my life away to go swimming! Oh well, vale la pena.
We went home… then service, you know the drill. It was my biggest trial in life. Basically we sang for an hour and a half at service. And I pretty much felt like my throat was going to fall off. But it was really good… and the ladies loved it. Also, one of my heroes read the lyrics to one of the songs we sang, Color Esperanza… They were all inspired by the song… and the workers were laughing so hard. That would be the US equivalent of someone reading The Final Countdown and analyzing it. It was really funny basically.
After service, we went to Institute and it was really good. We analyzed structures of the scriptures. It was hard for me… mostly because it is hard for me in English. =) After institute, we went to buy churros off a street vendor. They were SO SO SO SO SOOO good. Seriously, you could pick your filling. There were four choices: caramel, strawberries, chocolate, and cream. I chose caramel… it was AMAZING. Basically, the two boys live right by that churro stand. If I was them, I would be fat… because I would be so tempted to go there all the time. It was a fabulous day!!! Hope yours was too! LOVE YOU!

Tambien, I ate an avocado straight today. It was my biggest trial in life.

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