Monday, May 12, 2008

clothes, whistles, and papaya

Hola everyone! Today we got up late… the alarm was on silent… and ate some breakfast. It was papaya and cereal. I most definitely do not like papaya. Ashley does not either. In fact, she had two bowls of cereal so she could wash down the papaya after every bite. She ate it so fast, I had a harder time eating it. Ashley was kind enough to let me put my leftovers on her plate so it looked like I ate more. Anyways, we went to school and it was fabulous. This is another random picture by the school…

We have a test on Wednesday. I don’t know how I feel about that… but I am going to study today. Also, we practiced our dance for one last time today. I don’t know if we are really all that ready, or if anyone knows what is going on still… but I am sure we will pull it together for the party tomorrow. Also, you know how I said I couldn’t turn earlier? Well I still can’t really, and when I do, I forget to do the next step because I stop and party with myself because I was able to do a turn. That behavior must stop for tomorrow, or else I’ll look pretty foolish. Also, two of the girls and I are going to do a really cool dance move. Hopefully I can have someone film it, and you guys can see. I will try. Also, I know you are waiting to see what surprise I have for you! Well here it is! A girl in my group (Mindy) and I have all of the same clothes. Literally, the SAME clothes. Today was plaid shorts and red shirt day. Have a look for yourself.

For lunch we had this amazing soup and tostadas. I was quite happy. When we were leaving for our service, there was a nasty cockroach outside the door. Daniella had a squirt gun, and she started shooting it… and it flew into the air. It was SO funny. She basically chased it into a corner with that squirt gun. She is pretty much my hero. Then we went to our service. This is a park that we have to walk by to get there. It's so pretty, no?

It was so much fun today. All of the ladies are hilarious. Today Loraine, the English speaking one, sat with the group… so it was a lot more difficult because we had to translate from English to Spanish for every sentence. It was really good practice though. Here is a picture of me with a lady that speaks both Spanish and a little bit of English. She helps us a lot, and she is so sweet.

This is a picture of two of the ladies... the one in front is Loraine (the one that speaks only English). The other two girls come with us everyday and their names are Rachel and Janna.

A sweet lady and Ashley... They are so cute.

Also, it rained on the way home from service! YAY! After service I did my homework… which was a mini-essay. SO GOOD. I also helped Daniella with her English homework. It was hard for me to help her because she doesn’t speak English, and I don’t speak Spanish. Here is a picture of me helping Daniela...
Anyways, after homework, we went to family home evening and did skits. It was so much fun… I was a Mexican worker that had to cat-call at the other girls. I even threw in the line “Hola, Barbie! Want a free Mexican boyfriend?” Good times. After we started practicing for our talent show… a bunch of the girls are doing the Thriller dance… so we started learning that last night. Way fun. We walked home because it was so nice outside… and I found the most gorgeous flower ever. And I picked it.
At about 10:00 we decided we wanted internet. We decided to tell Marcela that we thought we hacked the password and she was so happy. I did some fiddling around and got into her computer, and she was so pleased. So now the house has internet, but it’s not wireless… so we do not. She said that we would get it tomorrow, so HOPEFULLY!!! Have a good day! Love you all!

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