Thursday, May 29, 2008

cute-ness, burned-ness, and delicious-ness.

Hola everyone!!! Today was a lovely day! We woke up… and went to school. Just the usual! I got my test back and I got a 56/60! I was slightly shocked, cuz I wasn’t feeling that great about it. We had our break, and then we met with the other class to watch La Misma Luna… it is a super cute movie about a boy trying to get to his mom in the US. I liked watching it in Spanish… I definitely want to get some movies that I bring home that are in Spanish. After school we went swimming! This time Ashley came… she’s a little fish! Also, we were walking into the pool area, and the man told us we couldn’t put sunscreen on. I told him I had to because I was white… I guess he didn’t care, because we still couldn’t. Therefore, that explains my red face in these pictures. After swimming for a bit, we did some dives. And Marc pretty much owned that. We went home and ate some delicious lunch, and then went to service. Today we sang outside for most of the time. After we sang for a bit, we went around and talked to the different people. At 5:30, I went to go look for Ashley inside and I saw here with a lady and the lady wouldn’t let her go. It was so sad. The lady kept saying, “Don’t leave me!” and wouldn’t let go of Ashley’s wrist. To set the scene, this is one of the ladies inside that never talks to anyone. They tie some of the people to a bar in their wheelchairs with bed sheets… and it is always really uncomfortable for me to talk to them because I don’t understand them, or I feel awkward because they are so sad. I think most of them are just completely lost in their memories of the past, and they don’t know what is happening now. Anyways, we got the lady to let go of Ash… and I went to go kiss another lady goodbye. She grabbed onto my wrist and kept saying “Get me out of here!” I didn’t really know what to say, so I just kept saying, “I’ll be back Monday!” She started crying and begging to get her out! It was awful, and I didn’t know what to do! Eventually I just walked away, I didn’t really know what else to do. We went home and ate dinner… and then we met some friends for churros and we just sat outside of Starbucks and talked.
Ash, Alejandro, and I eating our AMAZING churros...

becky and i chilling after our churros!

some of the girls after churros!

ashley, spicing up the city. (but not for reals...)

It was fun! When we were ready to go home, we took a taxi. The man was a creeper and kept hitting on Ash. It was actually quite funny how she handled it. At one point he was talking about how he lived in Guadalajara for 18 years… and Ash was all “Wow, that’s pretty much my whole life!” It was funny… but we got home without any troubles, and then went to bed! BUENAS NOCHES!!!

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