Tuesday, May 13, 2008

stretchy pants, pick-up trucks, and fiestas

This morning I woke up to take a shower first, and I did not have my contacts in yet. I was in the shower, and I looked down and saw a black blob- and I assumed it was a cockroach. Anyways, I went back into the room and told Ashley. She was not pleased with the cockroach, and let me handle the situation. I remembered that some girls in our group had put a plunger over the cockroach, and I decided that this was a good idea. I slid the plunger across the floor with the cockroach underneath it and took a shower. While Ashley was in the shower, I was at the mirror. The whole time I was telling her that she HAD to look under the plunger really quick. She decided it would be best if she waited until after she finished showering and drying off to look because she didn’t want to get freaked out. About two minutes after we turn off the shower, the shower lets out water for about 5 seconds. This happened to Ashley while she was drying off and she screamed bloody murder. I got freaked out because she screamed… and it wasn’t even the cockroach! It was water! After we calmed down, we looked under the plunger (this time with my contacts in) and it was actually a cricket. The whole time we were getting ready, we could hear Cricky chirping its pathetic attempt for us to let it free. I finally felt that we should let it out when we were about to leave. We agreed that if it did not escape in the time we were at school, it deserved to die, and we would smash it, but more likely keep it under the plunger for a week until it was for sure dead. We left for school, and while I was on the bus I remembered that I didn’t let Cricky out. Now I feel horrible because I am a horrible killer. It was just trying to get along, and I didn’t even give it another chance. We got to school, and we learned for a bit… and then our teacher announced that we would be reading our essays to the rest of the class in the garden outside. I was so excited (NOT) because I love reading aloud. Especially something I wrote, and ESPECIALLY in Spanish. Also, here is a picture of Mindy and I matching again...

After class we went to our fiesta where we performed our song and dance… and it was so much fun! Every group had a different performance… Hermana Stallings said ours was the best. We ate some tacos, and beat up a piƱata. Here is a picture of a girl from our group...

Here is a picture of Ashley and I. We turned the pinata into party hats... haha

I bought the group photo of our BYU group, and the international group. Yay! Also, they had an assorted selection of candies. I went through the line and picked the safest looking candies. I was in the back of the line with Hermana Stallings. She asked the server if there were any candies that had alcohol, and the lady pointed to a bunch of candies that did. I was glad to know that a bunch of our girls had already eaten a handful of those. I don’t know why, because it’s not that funny… but it was really funny to me. Also, I saw the pool at the university. It is amazing! We walked home. I fell asleep before our service. Oh man was service funny today. Today Loraine was sitting with a group of us ladies, and a worker came to take another lady’s blood pressure. The worker got really close to Loraine… and Loraine pretended to spank her and said in her little old lady voice “MOVE IT!”. I am pretty sure I haven’t laughed that hard in a long time. Loraine noticed me laughing and apologized… and said “whatever, it’s not like she can understand me.” The whole thing was very entertaining to watch. When we got home, we talked with Marcela for a bit. First off, she told us that Daniela said that we were her best friends. =) it was so cute. We told her that we were going to the lucha libre fight downtown… it’s like Nacho Libre, except for reals. She told us that only “ugly people” go to those fights, like men and uneducated people. I appreciated that comment more than I should. Good times with dumb men. Anyways, we went to the fights and we rode in the back of a pick-up truck, true Mexican style. A bus behind us was trying to see how close he could get to the back of the car without ACTUALLY hitting the car. It was pretty skillful, not gonna lie. Here is a picture of the sunset going to the game...

Here is a picture of our feet in the back of the truck. We're cool.

We got to the arena. You would think it would be cool… but it was actually quite scarring and traumatizing and crude. Basically, a bunch of men wear stretchy pants (for lack of better description) and run around and slap each other. They literally SLAP each other like girls! And all the other men watching get totally drunk, and scream at the girls. It was not really that fun. One man grabbed me from behind and I was so grossed out because he is like 30 years old… We finally made it safely to the car. I was very happy. Some of the general quotes of the night… “I am now 13 dollars poorer.” “Why did that man have rainbow spandex on?” “That was disgusting.” Anyways, one experience I didn’t really enjoy, but I feel I had to so I could say I did. Now I can say I went to LUCHA LIBRE. YAY ME! Anyways, I’m headed off to bed! ALL OF THE PICTURES AND OTHER BLOGS ARE UPDATED! (minus the videos, I’ll let you know when those are up…) some of the words might have changed as well, so if you’re into that kinda stuff, you might want to read it! Fun times! Love you all!!!

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