Thursday, May 8, 2008

sickness, weed, and racing

Hola todos! Today was a very busy day! This morning we woke up at about 7:30… and I felt so so nasty. I haven’t felt that gross in a long time. I ate a little bit for breakfast… and then we went to school. School was fun… we took our International student picture facing the sun. I feel that we probably all have our eyes shut. So, I’m not sure how to feel about that yet. After school, Ashley and I went to Walmart! How fun! Right before Walmart, however, there was a Carls Jr. We had to eat it. So we did… and it cost big bucks (like 8 dollars)… but it was worth it because there was no additional kick to it, like peppers or anything. We bought some makeup and nail polish for the older ladies when we went to walmart. After Walmart, we came home and ate another lunch… and then did nothing. That was quite nice. At about 3:30 we went to our service. It was so much fun again. First I went around painting the ladies’ nails. It was so cute because they were so pleased with it. Bethany, you would be happy to know that I am getting significantly better at painting nails. We also talked to Loraine, who only speaks English. She has pretty much lived the ideal life… she grew up in Hollywood, and babysat some famous lady (and I can’t remember her name). But she told us about her Dad and his business… It was really interesting! After our service, we took the right bus to go to the University to meet the rest of our group for the soccer game. The bus was trying to beat the bus in front of us. It was so so scary! The bus would swerve into the other lane. THEY WERE LITERALLY RACING! And neither bus would stop for any other people on the street because they both wanted to get to the main stop before the other one. Needless to say, I felt a little carsick after that ride. Also, an interesting side note… The buses all have really cool things in them. Most have furry mirrors, like you would see in a 7th grade girl’s locker. No jokes. One bus we went on had a light sensored crucifix. We went in a tunnel, and the lights turned on. That was pretty rad. Anyways, we got to the University, where we divided up to go the soccer game. We took a way crowded bus, nothing too exciting happened though. This is where the stadium is... Once we got there, we got our tickets and decided to sit at the bottom where all the crazy fans are. It was so intense. I believe that is entirely possible that I am high right now, because the boys in front of us were blatantly smoking weed. They were cheering and falling all over the place. It was really funny actually. In one of their chants, they sing TE AMO, and all of us gringas would say I LOVE YOU right after. They boys partied with it, and some of them were recording it on their phones. Also, a million people were taking pictures of us. I guess we’re quite the interesting thing in Mexico. After the game, which was a tie 1-1, we took a taxi. That was pretty fun too, he had English music playing in the car really loud. We pretty much had a dance party. Now I am home, finally, and getting ready for bed! Sorry there aren’t as many funny stories today… I will work on them. But at least I have a few more of the pictures up eh? Have a lovely day! Love you all!

1 comment:

Cody Heffner said...

wait, so are you sick as in from food or virus? :( thats no good