Saturday, May 3, 2008

Hola todos! Me encanta Mexico! I am having so much fun!!! This morning Ashley and I slept in… and then we had hot cakes (pancakes) for breakfast. They were muy ricos. After that Marcela (mi madre) took us on a tour of the area by our house. We went to the bank and the security guys had huge guns. I guess everyone in Mexico has huge guns. Whatever works I guess… Then we went to the gas station and saw lots of cool foods… and really weird ones too. But mostly, the nastiest thing ever was a cockroach crawled across the floor. Que delicioso, no?
This is a picture of where I live...

This is a picture of where we sleep...

After our little adventure, we had lunch. P.S. They eat lunch way later (2:00 or 2:30). It will take some adjusting for us because we were starving at 12:00. Anyways, we had tostadas… and they were SO SO good. We also had cola manzana (I think that is what it’s called), but it basically tasted like apple cider… except better. Later, our whole group met at the plaza and saw a movie! It was quiero robarme tu novia… I remember seeing previews and stuff in English, but I don’t remember the name… basically it was a chick flick and it was amazing. I understood it because it was in English, and the subtitles were in Spanish. The picture is of Ashley and I, and the other pair of roommates… named Ashley and Jessica. They are actually living with the sister of my Guadalajara Mom. I guess that makes them my cousins!

After we watched the movie, a man from institute came to talk to us about when church and institute meet. After he talked to the whole group, he offered Ashley and I a ride home. It turned out that he was going to an atlas futbol game… and he asked if we wanted to come! Of course we said yes… and it was so much fun! First off, no one in Mexico can drive. There are pretty much no rules or seatbelts or anything. It reminded me of go-karts at Camelot Park. Also, Manuel (the man that took us to the game) drives a slug bug… in Spanish the word is bocho, which is a mix between coche (car) and bicho (bug). …Your random fact for the day… We drove for about thirty minutes (the traffic was horrible) and got to the stadium. Manuel, the man who took us to the game, did not speak English at all, so we had lots of awkward moments where neither one of us understood each other. But I did understand that the stadium holds 75,000 people! CRAZY!
This is the field...

This is Ashley and I at the game with our way cool jerseys (atlas)...

The game was so legit too, it was los cruzes azules vs. atlas. Manuel is a hardcore atlas fan. He was so so so into the game. Quite honestly, I have no idea what he said the entire time. He was pretty excited, and he was speaking WAY too fast. But that’s ok! I understood the game! AND I have a video of the goal! Atlas won, 2-0. I had so much fun, and so did Ashley. After (at about 11:00), we still hadn’t had dinner yet, so we were pretty hungry. Manuel said that he knew where the best tacos were… it was pretty sketchy. Not gonna lie. The stand was pretty much everything that everyone has told me NOT to eat. But I did… so far I am still alive. Who knows though, the night is young. Ashley was more brave than I was. She ordered tacos made of brain… I don’t know why. That doesn’t even slightly sound good. But I ordered some taco. With some meat. I have no idea what kind. After, we drove home and I am pretty dang tired from a super long day. I think that is all that happened today… I don’t remember everything right now. Anyways, have a good day! Love you all!


Anonymous said...

jess! i loved reading your stories, i read them in the wrong order tho but it's all good. i'm so jealous that you got to go to a real mexican futbol game, and you got a jersey too! so exciting! well, stay out of trouble but have lots of fun, i wish i was there with you! love you lots!
<3 bebs

Katie said...

Let me see, how you say, Jessica es muy loco para eato offo taco trucko... :) Sounds like you are having sooooo much fun!! Love you