Monday, May 5, 2008

first day of school, salsa dancing, y bichos.

From yesterday as well... It's updated now!
also, the pictures are taking FOREVER to upload. im putting a few up. ill finish the rest tomorrow... maybe tonight? we shall see.

Hola! I love love love it here! This morning I woke up at 7:00 to get ready and found a LOVELY surprise on our floor. A HUGE COCKROACH. It was massive… and disgusting… and squirming all over. We just left it on the floor though because I have no idea how to kill one. I feel that it would make noise and/or bleed. Or scream. Or something human-like or disgusting.
Here is el bicho...

Anyways, we had fruit and cereal for breakfast, and after Ashley and I took our first day of school pictures and got on the bus! I almost smashed the lady sitting next to me… but oh well. Here is the picture of me on my first day…

Here is another picture of Ahsley and I at the University…

Today was my first day of school… and I was worried that three hours would take a long time. It went by so so quickly! First I have a grammar class from 9:00 until 11:00 and then I have a conversation class from 11:00 until 12:00. It was super fun and I didn’t mind talking because my class is all girls I know and there’s only like 10 of us. (including 3 Jessicas and 3 Ashleys).
After we went to a Cinco de Mayo Institute party at a member’s ginormous house. It was super nice… but 3:30 is pretty late for me to eat lunch, so I was pretty hungry. We listened to a bunch of cool Mexican music. I actually borrowed the CD so I could burn me a copy… and one of the boys taught us how to salsa dance. He has been dancing for 8 years on a team now! Here is a picture of us doing salsa together… yes I know, three girls doesn’t exactly work.

Here is another picture of Esau (the boy who taught us to dance) and Hermana Stallings doing the salsa!

We also played lots of games. One of which involved flipping each other over backs… I didn’t do that. After all, I did break my arm skipping. But here is a picture of two girls that did…

Here is another picture of us playing 21. Good times. It’s a good thing it was so hot and sticky… we could easily stick our cards to our foreheads.

After we finished using the internet at the University, we went to family home evening. It was fun… we played games, ate, and talked. Afterwards, Ashley and I noticed that our feet were slightly MORE than disgusting. Seriously though, my feet were COVERED in dirt. Quite honestly, I don’t want to know what that dirt is made of. Anyways, we took this picture. We call it our feel-like-we-got-hit-by-a-bus picture/our dirty feet picture.

Never in my life have I felt that I smell. Now, I know I smell. Seriously, I have no doubt in my mind. But it’s all good. Shower tomorrow morning! Que bueno!
Tonight Ashley and I washed our feet, ate, read for a bit, tried to hack the internet, inspected the floor for cockroaches, did our homework, and we are now going to bed! OH! And special treat for all… I brushed my teeth using the tap water! I didn’t swallow any of it, so hopefully all is right with the world tomorrow morning! From now on I will probably have to upload my pictures and update the blog at about 12:00 central time… but I promise it WILL be updated. Anyways, thanks for all the e-mails and facebook messages and stuff… sorry I am lame and can’t write back that much. Have a lovely day!

I will post todays blog tomorrow... because nothing has really happened yet. and thats pretty lame to read about.

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