Sunday, May 11, 2008

mother's day, broken shoes, and harpsichords

Hola everyone! Today was a fantastic day! We woke up this morning and had some granola bars for breakfast. In the process of getting ready, I noticed that my mosquito bites were still the same. For the first time, I was disappointed that I did not have mosquito bites. I was really looking forward to drawing orion on my arm. Also, my shoes have been steadily getting more and more broken. The bottom is pretty much all the way detatched from the top. Here is a picture… Also, I have some sweet tan lines from those shoes. YAY!

We were walking to our bus stop when it finally hit us that all of the police drive around with their lights and sirens on, but they aren’t chasing anyone. In fact, most of the time the police are going slower than regular cars. I do not understand this.
We went to church… and it was good. I still don’t understand much of it. Hopefully that will change. Also, in Relief Society, they use this keyboard, which is totally cool. The only problem is they use like some weird setting, like harpsichord. Which I do not approve of because it is so twangy. It kind of looses the purpose to the song The Spirit of God. We then went to a Mexican restaurant right by the church and had quesidillas, and they were pretty much amazing. After lunch/dinner, we went to choir. The air conditioning wasn’t on, and I was pretty much singing myself to sleep. I literally could not keep my eyes open. But it was fun, I love singing in Spanish. Now we are home, trying to hack into the internet. We have taken significant strides in getting somewhere with permanent internet, but the password is yet to be confirmed. We are probably going to do a mission POSSIBLE mission tonight. Yeah I know, we’re cool. Also, I have a surprise for everyone this week that is quite exciting. It involves one picture per day. And you are going to be quite pleased, I assure you. Anyways, I am off to hack away! Love you all! Hope you had a Happy Mother’s Day! I love you Mom!

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