Thursday, May 15, 2008

more pick-up trucks, snickers, and creepers...

Thursday… Sorry it’s so late being posted… Here we are!!!
Today was quite the day. We woke up and had some breakfast and went to school. Marcela and the family went to Puerto Vallarta for the weekend, so we are home with the maid until Saturday night. We took our exam, and I felt that it wasn’t too bad, but it definitely had potential for lots of dumb mistakes. During break, Maggie, Mindy, and I went and bought Snickers bars. Maggie told us how she ate a WHOLE Snickers bar the night before, and couldn’t go anywhere because she felt like a blob. We teased her pretty good about that. me and mindy matching...

We had our conversation class, and then we went home. I watched the movie Sleepover on my laptop, which was quite silly. We had lunch, and then went to our service. When I was going to service, I ran into this treasure! Bumblebee... the real transformers car!

We played Bingo for a bit, and then we sang hymns in Spanish to them. They absolutely love that because they are super religious, and they love listening to the words. I love when they analyze the song, it’s so sweet. We sang a few hymns in English to Loraine. Yesterday we sang I Am A Child Of God to her, and she wanted us to sing it to her again today. Here are some of the girls at service!!!

We walked home, and it started to rain, and there was thunder and lightning too! After a bit, we went to Heather and Mindy’s house. Here is a picture of us getting rained on...

It was really fun! Maggie and Natalie were there too. Here is a picture of us chilling on the bed...

We ordered a pizza and goofed off for a bit. Also, I went to the bathroom at their house and I was going to wash my hands... and there was a HUGE cockroach on the bar of soap. I ran into the other room and told the girls, and they told me that it visits all the time, and they have named it Diablo. Here is a picture of my newest amigo, Diablo...

At about 12:00 we decided to go home. Luckily it stopped raining, but I was still wearing my rain coat. Ashley and I walked about 10 blocks to get to the main street to catch a taxi. We were starting to get really freaked out because it was so dark. A creeper of a man was driving next to us in a white pick-up truck (I have bad luck with it, I guess…) and he stopped about 10 feet in front of us and started to get out of the car. Ashley and I freaked out and turned around to start running. I took off my flip flops and we ran back 10 blocks to their house. I was really freaked out by then. I thought I was going to throw up. The Mom of the house called a taxi, it cost 70 pesos to get home, which is a total rip-off, but I got home and we were safe, so that was good. Crazy, crazy night. Love you all mucho! See you again in 36 days!!!

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