Sunday, May 25, 2008

small children, KFC, and serving sizes

This morning we woke up, showered, and got all ready for church. I opted out of our lunch left-over breakfast for fear of a) the option of sketchy hamburger meat and b) getting sick again. (Last night I woke up with a HORRIBLE stomach ache). We got to church, and Becky and I played hide-n-seek with a little boy sitting a few rows in front of us. He was potentially the most adorable boy I have ever seen in my whole life. He was horrified of us by the end of Sacrament meeting, and ran out of the chapel so we wouldn’t talk to him. It was quite funny. During Sunday School, the most precious little girl came and sat on Marco’s lap. Her name is Raquel, and she is 18 months old. Every time Marc would click the pen, she would gasp… and it was so cute. She also wanted to draw on everything that she wasn’t allowed to draw on, such as Marc’s dictionary. Relief Society was lacking in little kid excitement because Raquel fell asleep. By the time church was over, I was starving! We went to Kentucky Fried Chicken, and I had popcorn chicken and fries. It definitely tasted different than the normal popcorn chicken, which was un poquito triste. After lunch, we went back to the church and just talked on the lawn until choir started. That was nice, but the heat made me pretty tired/lame. We went to choir and sang… and I was SO happy to find that my new friend Raquel was there as well. She came up to me, voluntarily might I add… and sat on my lap. P.S. Marco, she loves me more. We decided that we need to have a test to see which of us Raquel likes better. I am pretty sure it is me. =) I took a picture with Raquel.

She is SO adorable. We took a bus home, and wrote a bit in our journals. At about 8:00 we decided to get some dinner (because our family doesn’t feed us on Sundays), so we went to Oxxo and got some cereal and milk. We may or may not have eaten the whole box of fruit loops. P.S. Each box has 8 servings. We are down-right shameful. And then Marcela brought us donuts too… so we are even more shameful than it appears. Basically I am banking on working out lots when I get home. Also, Marcela brought home the new maid. I feel so sad and upset about it… she is 17 years old… she lives with us. I can’t even imagine coming to a new house where you don’t know the family. And it is all to support her family back home. It is so depressing to me. Basically, I am going to be extra careful to be clean, because I don’t want her to do anything. Also during church, I made lots of goals for myself for next year. I am pretty excited about it too! I want to keep doing ballet, and SOMEDAY (hopefully) get to pointe. Also, I want to be an amazing cook. And I want to keep doing well in school. I am really excited for those things, plus I have a car… which is even better than last year. That’s all that is going on for now! I will write more tomorrow! Sorry about the lack of pictures! I have no idea why the internet is being so sketch… Love you all!!!

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