Thursday, May 22, 2008

trampolines, dancing, & cigarette smoke

Today was a great day! We went to school… that was an exciting time. After school we did the crazy games again. This time I jumped on the trampoline! YAY! Here is a picture of me with the guy hanging onto the bungee cords trying to make me go higher.

Here is a picture of me doing a flip. WOOHOO.

After school, we came back and chilled for a bit… I showered and then we ate. Then we went to service. I feel kind of bad, because I was not really into my service today. I think it’s because I was so distracted with our trip on the weekend. Basically we mostly just played bingo… it was really funny because there was almost another fight. In short, bingo is huge drama for older ladies. Also, a couple of ladies got really mad because we weren’t playing with money. One of the ladies turned her card upside down and crossed her arms. I feel distraught that I did not take a picture of such things.
After service we went to Walmart with some of the girls. We wandered around and looked for cool Mexican things… we also found the bakery in Walmart. Sounds sketch eh? False. They had billions of different desserts. AND there are samples of everything. It’s pretty much amazing. Here is a picture of Nat/Nolka with our pastries.

After Walmart, we walked over to the Churro stand to wait for Ashley, Jessica, and Marc. Basically, we had no self-control… and ate lots of churros. After a few cockroach encounters, we got on the bus and went to the Cherry Lobby (an American Club). It turned out that it wasn’t open (sad times). Some of the other boys from the ward met us there with some of the other girls from our group. We had a mini dance party in the back of Jesus’ truck. Good times. We then went to another club… it was kind of American, and it was WAY fun. We were all dancing and partying and such. We even ordered Sprite at the bar. How presh we are. We danced until pretty late, and got home at about 2. I had to shower because I smelled like cigarette smoke SO BAD. But it was tons of fun!!! Talk to you all soon! Sorry I can’t write, I am off to Guanajuato!!!

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