Friday, May 30, 2008

iggy, cinnamon rolls, and death.

Pues, today is Friday… kinda. =) And I went to school! After school, our group went on a zoo trip. First we went to the gas station outside of the school and bought some food to eat for lunch. I got some delicious cinnamon rolls, and then felt sick afterwards. Not that this is really much of a difference from my usual feeling of sickness. Anyways, we got on the city busses and went to the zoo! The busses were SO dang crowded. Being my claustraphobic self, I felt that I might die.
Here is a picture of Heather in such madness. Note man behind her... yes. He was video taping all of us. I guess we are quite entertaining...

Thank goodness we got off the bus for a bit and waited for the next one. We finally got to the zoo… =) I love the zoo… I will just preface with that. It was a really hot day, but it was ok, because we did cool things. First off, we took cool pictures like giraffes.
somos giraffes!

Then we took pictures like monkeys…
somos monos!

ojala que seamos cangaroos tambien!


waiting for the tram/safari... whatever you would like to call it...

Then we ate amazing ice cream… it was chocolate. And it was my new favorite thing. The other girls that got it felt similar feelings of love.

We went on a safari.
Here is a picture of us in front of the safari sign! woohoo!

That was a good time. It wasn’t quite as legit as the safari in San Diego, pero no me importa. We still saw cool animals. Some of us even got to feed giraffes with carrots. The giraffes didn’t really like Natalie or I.

They didn't really like Mindy either. Poor dear.

Natalie was creative in the disposal of her carrots. She decided to make a trail of carrots behind the safari truck (?) so if she got lost in the “jungle” we could find her. I took a video of this Hansel & Gretel moment. I will show you all when we get home. =) After the safari there were cool African drums. We played those, and even re-did the video to “Beat of my Heart” by Hillary Duff. I know, we’re pretty much really cool. After that we hid behind rocks. It was really funny actually. It doesn’t sound that cool, but we have a video of that tambien. Here are some pictures to quench your desire to see it for a few more weeks.

Then we walked around the zoo! While I was walking I ran into Brandon’s old iguana. I believe that it was wild. I don’t really know. I hope it didn’t escape. If so, that is sad. We named it Iggy, naturally. And then chased it for a good five minutes, scarring all of the Mexicans for life. Also, we took a video. It is lovely. Here is another picture!
We just hung out in the zoo for a bit more, and I bought some Sprite. That was delightful because it was so so cold and so so lovely. We left the zoo and waited for the bus.
Here are some pictures of random cowboys walking down the street...

We took the bus home again, this time I sat, so I was quite happy. We got home, and I got ready to go out again… This time we went Banda dancing! Oh my, what an adventure! It was so much fun! First of all, I would like to say that it is my goal in life to always ride in the back of Chewey’s (Jesus’) truck. It is so much fun just cruising downtown Guadalajara in the back of a truck. So we did that. =) And then we got to the Banda place. There was a live band and it was really loud, but I loved it actually. They dance really differently… they bounce all over, and they are super close. We didn’t dance as legit as them, but we tried. Haha. Two of the Mexicans asked Natalie and I if we would dance and we said no with some lame excuse attached to it. We drove home at 3 AM in the back of Chewey’s truck. I actually was kinda cold… which was a strange feeling to me. I brought my key out, but it wouldn’t go into the key hole because the other set of keys was still in the hole on the other side of the door. Basically my only option was to knock on the door… or call the house. I was so humiliated… and Marcela came down and opened the door. She felt bad, so I guess that is good because I thought I was going to get in trouble. I crashed of exhaustion… but it was kinda like a nap. LOVE YOU ALL!!!

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil!