Monday, May 26, 2008

snowmen, chicken, y the bohemian rhapsody

Hola! Today was a good day! First we went to school… after we went to the computers and goofed off for a bit. Then we went back home and ate some amazing chicken for lunch. It was so so good. After we went to service. OH MAN, SERVICE. Today was QUITE the adventure. We got there, and figured that it had been a good three days since they last played bingo, so we got that game started. Do you remember the lady that said she couldn’t see because she was too old… and would flip her card upside down and pout? Well, yeah… know I have a picture of it. =)

Some of the ladies get REALLY involved in bingo. One lady started yelling and she started praying, and we thought it was just because she was upset about something with the game… but her eyes rolled back in her head. I freaked out! I thought I was going to watch someone die! All of the nurses came over and after a few minutes she was fine, but it was so intense. We also heard the Bohemian Rhapsody on their CDs, which consists of elevator music. So it was all jazzed out, and quite hilarious.
As we were leaving, the ladies told us to get Mexican boyfriends so we could stay. It was cute, but I don’t think I will follow their advice.
Here is a picture of a flower from the walk home...

Here is a picture of a bird head on the walk home... *ugh*

Here is a picture of me on the bus eating a Mexican candy... it wasn't vale la pena.

We came home for a bit and relaxed, and then we went to Family Home Evening. It was way fun… we played telephone, but we had to act it out. It sounds complicated, but it’s not. Marc, Becky, and I were the first three to leave the room… and Becky and I were talking about how it could be embarrassing acting out whatever in front of everyone. Becky was like, “I have sweaty armpits! What if I have to raise my arms?” So we decided that if the thing to act out was snowman, we would do a certain action. Well, it turns out the thing was snowman, and everyone was in an uproar because I got it in 3 seconds. They were like “tramposas!!! (cheaters)” ha. That was funny. Also, Hermana Stallings acting out going to the bathroom was funny. After FHE we had popsicles. YUM! And then we practiced for Thriller. That dance is so fast and slightly intense for me. I still have lots of work to do before next weekend!!!
We got home, and studied our little brains out and went to bed at 11:30. YAY! LOVE YOU ALL!!!

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