Tuesday, May 27, 2008

tests, cheesecake, and proyectos

Today was a really good day!
But before it was a good day, I had my blood drawn to find out my blood type so I could use the pool. Ugh. That is all I have to say about that. Marc and Ashley were like "just look over here!" and it hurt. No good. Also, I guess they couldn't get enough blood out, because the lady was swirling the needle around in my arm. I didn't notice it, but Marc did. Here is a scaredy-cat picture of me getting my blood tested...

This morning we had our test… I feel kinda iffy about it, because I am not good at direct and indirect objects. But who knows, hopefully it went well! After school, we went to get our credentials for school. We learned that we have to have two pictures (like the insert kind you have to put in your passport). So basically, we didn’t swim today… and walked to the Kodak store and got our pictures taken. After that, we went home and ate! Yum! After lunch, we went to our service. I talked with Loraine today about her life. I still think she had the most perfect life! Today she told me that her brother kissed Shirley Temple. Isn’t that crazy!? I showed her and Chupita pictures of my family and friends… they say everyone is pretty or handsome. Haha. We had to leave a little early to go to the temple. I had to stop on my way there because I forgot my recommend, but we got there just about the time that everyone else was starting. The temple was beautiful, and when we got out it was a little stormy.

We walked to OK Pastelerias and ate some amazing dessert! I had cheesecake and chocolate ice cream. Both of those pretty much made my life. We went home and worked on our project. Happy days that we finished it in 15 minutes. =) We also did some laundry...

and hung it from the door...
Then we went to bed. Have a good day! LOVE YOU!

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