Friday, May 9, 2008

yarn, intestines, and scary stories

Today was quite the day! It was almost impossible to get out of bed. I was considering faking my own death, just so I could sleep an extra few hours… But I didn’t. So I guess that is good. We went to school, learned lots… now we’re smart. Just kidding. But really, we are learning a lot. We learned choreography for our song that we are singing for the international students. There is one part where we have to spin around really fast in one spot. This is pretty much the worst news ever. I am so happy for all of the other 23 students that can do it. Apparently, only the girl that stands next to me and I cannot. By the time I figure out where my feet are and I am facing forward, we have already finished the next two moves. It is indeed tragic. After school, we went to use the computers… and the wireless was horrible there too. We went home. At about 2:30 we ate our lunch, and it was really good! We ate this spaghetti/cheese and chicken. Muy rico. After that we took a little nap before we had to go to dinner. Apparently about thirty minutes into our nap, Ashley woke up from her dream about yarn, pesos, and other assorted objects, and decided to go outside. After about two minutes of sitting outside, an ant went in her pants and bit her. I guess this is a new meaning to ants in your pants. (boogie dance…etc.) We got all ready for dinner and took our bus and met at the gran plaza by the McDonalds. We waited for a while for a boy to get there, and he never showed up! So we decided to take our taxis to the Marriachi place and eat our dinner. The place was really cool, there were lights hanging all around… it was legit. This is a picture of Ashley, Mark, and I at the restaurant...

you know, just the usual... ashley killing rachel.

The food was good too! We ordered huge platters for everyone to share off of. A huge platter of our food!

The girls enjoying life!

The only sketchy part was that there were intestines on the platter. Lots of people tried it, but I have decided to not sacrifice my next few days just to say I ate pig intestines… gross. Also, there were real pig skins at this place. I was so excited to eat some, and I told all of the girls sitting next to me that they were sooo good… and then I bit into one, and it was SO gross. I guess if you are ever in the situation where you need to pick between real and fake pig skins, choose the fake ones. They taste much better. At about 9:00, the boy that was missing showed up. He was telling Hermana Stallings this huge story about how he got attacked and robbed… and she started crying because she felt so bad! And THEN he said he was just kidding! That was quite the drama of the night. Lots of us girls told scary and funny stories. Oh, and our birth stories. Because we remember them clearly. After dinner, we took a taxi home… and now I am about to go to bed because of the incredibly busy day that I have tomorrow! Someday the internet will work enough to post pictures. SOMEDAY! Ah. Anyways, have a great day! Love you all!

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