Saturday, May 3, 2008

first day in guadalajara!

Hola Todos!!!

I am on the internet at home... I'm going to write more right now... but this is from yesterday!

This is a picture of Mexico on the plane...

Today was my first day in Guadalajara, Mexico! I am already having so much fun! I woke up at an obscene hour to get here, and now I am exhausted… but I love it here!

The flights weren’t too bad, except for the one from Phoenix to Guadalajara. I have never been on a bumpier plane in my whole life… so that was pretty scary. It probably didn’t help that the pilot was speaking in Spanish and I had no idea what he was saying. It was nice though because there were quite a few girls on my plane that are in my group. We went through customs and everything… and everyone was (in general) in one piece. (There was one girl that threw up on the plane- I told you it was a nasty ride). But the airport! OH MY. There are huge guys from the military walking around with these savage looking dogs and HUGE guns. So naturally, I took a picture with one of them. He didn’t really understand why I would be taking a picture… but since we were all in a huge group (and we were all white and blonde), he probably made some exceptions.

Anyways, after we got everyone from the airport, we got on a really nice bus. And because I was so tired, I took a few pictures… and completely fell asleep until we got to the university.

I was so nervous to meet my family. (They picked us up at the university). I mean, I thought I barely knew how to speak for ten minutes. I figured I couldn’t drag out conversation about the pictures of my family for too long (Es mi madre… Ella tiene ojos azules…) That just sounds lame. But it was surprisingly easier than I thought. My study-abroad mom’s name is Marcela and she is so nice and helpful (and she speaks slowly). She has two adorable kids- Daniella (who is 8) and Gerardo (who is 3).

I already tried a few different kinds of Mexican candies, a Mexican drink called Jamaica (it’s water and these sweet flowers), and this really good sandwich with brussel spouts (it scared me at first, but I even ate the crust).

Daniella has a wii, which is really cool. And it’s all in Spanish… which is even cooler. She showed me all of her wii games and all of her Spanish DVDs. I’m pretty stoked to see some of them (Era de Hielo a.k.a. Ice Age).

We learned about the money situation, which was hard for me to fully understand because she was telling us in Spanish. But after lots of talking, we figured it out.

I had my first embarrassing/Jessica Spanish moment today. Daniella was telling me that her mom went “abajo para pan” (down to get bread). And I said, “Wait, your Mom went under the house to get bread?” I don’t think it was the language barrier that made me confused… I think it was lack of sleep. But Ashley (my roommate) and Daniella PaRtIeD with it. They pretty much thought it was the funniest thing ever.

Also, I learned NOT to flush toilet paper... we clogged the toilet. hahaha.

Anyways, I’m getting incredibly tired… but I will try to stay updated this weekend! LOVE YOU ALL!

1 comment:

Sandy said...

Love your blog, you are such a crack up, much like your "favorita" Aunt Sandy :) Have so much fun and take lots of pic's... Katie says hi and Cameron says ba-ba, which is about all he says....
Love you and miss you!