Saturday, May 10, 2008

salamanders, bug bites, and wicked cool buildings...

Hola! I can’t believe I have been here for eight days now!!! I am so glad I came… I am learning so much, and having so much fun.
Also, I have about 300 mosquito bites all over. My goal is to draw Orion (the constellation) on my arm tomorrow. We shall see.
Today was the tour of the center of Guadalajara. It is amazingly beautiful! We took a bus to the mariachi square, with the cathedral and the national palace… It was so so gorgeous. And the architecture is amazing.
After we went to a different little square, with lots of really cool buildings. They were mostly museums, but they had really neat architecture as well.
We went shopping around for a bit in this really cheap market. I didn’t buy anything because nothing was that cool. There was lots of pirated movies though. I thought that was funny. Also, a man wouldn’t stop trying to sell us a saddle (like for our horses…). So he said “para tu caballero!” and my friend mindy was like, “I don’t have a caballero…” all sassy. It was really funny.
At 3:33 every day, Ashley and I make a wish. Today I wished that a cockroach would come out so I could see her scream. I was sad that it didn’t. Hopefully tomorrow it will.
We went back home for a bit, ate some jello… and watched Uptown Girls (in English) and I feel that was the most exciting thing of my life. We also ate dry corn flakes. (There was no milk). We took pictures to commemorate the excitingness of our American-ness.
At 6:00, we went to Walmart to this market right outside… I got so many cool things. I got a purse from Peru, and its got lots really cool colors. I also bought a coin purse. I ALSO bought two braided bracelets. AND a really cool skirt. So basically it was quite successful. Also, two girls ate these crickets they were giving away for free. We were told not to eat from street vendors. I feel that this rule pertains to food that you would BUY… and this rule is ESPECIALLY important to food that is free. Afterwards we went to Dominoes in Walmart, where we continued to be the most amazing spectacle for all Mexican people. Ashley and I ordered dinner, and it was the biggest drama ever. The workers did not understand us, and we did not understand them. We ended up getting a pizza, after they laughed at our extreme whiteness. It was so good. We then proceeded to “hang-out” in Walmart… I feel so cool hanging out in Walmart on a Saturday night. I mean really, how lame are we? But we ran into a few other girls there later. So I guess that makes us all cool. Anyways, I spent ten pesos trying to win this amazing rhinocerous from the claw machine… and I never won. BLAST. Someday I WILL win at one of those stupid games.
We all wanted to take a bus to our friends’ house at about 9:00… and we saw the right bus that we needed and it wouldn’t stop for us, so we all ran to catch it. Imagine. Eight extremely white girls, running down the streets of downtown Guadalajara. My favorite part was when this boy screamed out the window in broken English, “You should go to the bus stop.” We were laughing so hard. I mean really, the bus stop? Thank you boy. I know.
We got to our friends’ house, where we played an intense game of scum. I was never scum. But I never won either. Oh well… I guess I’m just normal eh? After we played games, we watched this video of the girls finding a salamander in the sink. It was so funny, they were freaking out in the video, and when they were catching it, its tail fell off. So anyways, we were all laughing about how funny it would be if we saw a salamander. And I opened the door, and NO JOKE! ONE WAS STARING AT ME! We all screamed and filmed part two of the salamander attack. It was also very scintillating. We took a taxi home, and got completely ripped off. And we couldn’t get him to lower the price. OH WELL! We are home now, and I am about to fall asleep…

some of the pictures from today...
our whole group in front of a fountain...

the jessicas and ashleys...

the infamous peeing statue...i didn't really understand what it means. it's something to do with kids and how they are pure. i am not sure how it relates yet, but if you look closely, you can see one of the statues peeing. lovely.

the cathedral...

natalie and i on the gazebo...

trippy painting on the ceiling in the state building...

courtyard in the state building...

me, maggie, and ashley

us being cool statues...

oh my, we love guadalajara!

the cathedral,
being gorgeous...

the state capitol...

the beautiful cathedral...

something pretty...

the cathedral...

mindy and i...

the poor boys taking all of our pictures...

i think this is a theater... im not exactly sure what the tour guide said...

just a cool fountain picture...

some museum thing i believe...

the other ashley and i in front of the fountain...

a bunch of girls sitting on a statue/chair...

Kayla's feet after the night was over... aka, disgusting...

drama picture that ashley took in front of a red wall at one of the other host family's house...

tripped out, photoshop version of the picture...

presh salamander. that was way scary... haha


Michelle said...

infamous peeing statue? demands more explanation!

rainbow said...

nice pics.. =)